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Seniors should check their email.  Information on Scholarships will be emailed to them.

 The following scholarships must now be applied for on the Community Foundation Website listed below.  Paper copies are no longer accepted.

Related Links

Abbott and Fenner Scholarship

Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed. The winner(s) of this annual scholarship will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions.

Character Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to three high school seniors who exemplify character in their daily lives. This is a $1,000 scholarship.

Chautauqua Region Community Foundation

Application deadline is June 1st. You must also have your college submit a College Financial Aid Report. This report is available in the guidance office and must be filled out by the college you are going to attend and then mailed to the Community Foundation by that college no later than June 1st.

Coca Cola Scholars

Recipients are well-rounded individuals with highly developed interests in their community. Applicants demonstrate leadership in school, have a commitment to their community, show academic achievement, and are employed part time.


Scholarship opportunities available.

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Scholarships are restricted to students from WNY.

Eighth District Garden Club

Applicants must be majoring in Agriculture, Botany, Conservation, Environmental Science, Foresty, Horticulture, Land Management, Landscape Design, Wildlife Science.

Elks National Foundation Scholarships

The Elks Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2009 competition. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need.

Hagan Scholarship Foundation

Students must have a 3.50 GPA and enroll at an eligible four-year college.  Household income must not exceed $85,000.

New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs Scholarship

New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs Scholarship

SAE Engineering Scholarships

SAE is proud to be able to offer more than 60 corporate and university sponsored scholarships to qualified students who are interested in the study of engineering and related sciences.

The New York Credit Union Scholarship

Applicants must be a member of the Greater Chautauqua FCU.

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