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Students can apply to JCC and have the application fee waived if they apply online.  There are computers in the guidance office that students may use to apply if they do not have internet access at home.

If students would like to research colleges or scholarships they are also encouraged to do so in our office.  Mrs. Hair is available to help them.  Student's have their own file in the guidance office where the information they have requested will be put.  Please encourage your child to check their folder weekly for college and scholarship information.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for website links to the FAFSA form, Registering for the ACT or SAT, or registering for the NCAA Clearinghouse.

CEEB - School Code - 332-010

College Admissions Timeline & Calendar of Events


Meet with Mr. Sitler to discuss plans for college.

Compile a list of potential colleges.

A list of available scholarships will be handed out to students in English class.  Parents will receive a scholarship packet in the mail that they should review with their student.  The scholarship checklist should then be returned to the student's English teacher or Mrs. Hair in the guidance office.

Register for SAT and/or ACT.  SAT and ACT scores will not be available to send to your college until six weeks after you take the exam.  It is very important that you make sure the school code is on this application.  Our school code is 332-010.  If this is not on the form, we will not receive the scores.   The websites for these tests are listed below.

Meet with all Admissions Representatives that visit the guidance office.

Attend College Consortium held here in our old gymnasium.

Ask teachers, counselor, coaches, employers to write recommendation letters for scholarships and college applications.

Get involved in your community by volunteering.


Visit your college choices.

Work on application essays.  Seek help from the guidance staff when needed.

File "early decision" applications if desired.

Give forms to counselors, teachers, coaches for letters of recommendation.  

If applying online - It is very important to let the guidance office know if you need a transcript mailed to that college. 


If your college requires the SAT II exam, register for it.


Prepare your final applications and allow guidance counselors to review them so they can be mailed by Christmas break.


Parents should attend Financial Aid Night on January 6th in our Distance Learning room.

FAFSA forms can only be done online.   A representative from JCC will be here on Financial Aid Night with information on how to do this.  Their is a link below if you would like to review the site. Get your income tax returns prepared early.  Submit your FAFSA form as soon after January 1 as possible. 

The TAP application will be attached to online FAFSA form if you list a NY College.  (students are only eligible for TAP - Tuition Assistance Program if they are going to attend a New York State college)

Keep copies of everything you send on file.


If a mid-term grade report needs sent, please let Mrs. Hair know to send it.


Check Student Aid Report (SAR) online.  Look it over carefully for errors or updates.

Respond to an TAP information or change request.

Financial Aid Award notifications will begin to be mailed to students.


Continue to apply for scholarships.

Watch the mail for college acceptance letters and let Mr. Sitler know which colleges you have been accepted to.

Compare the financial awards you receive from each college.

Make you final selection and send in your deposit.


Notify the guidance office and the financial aid office of your college of any scholarships you have been awarded.  This is important for finalizing your financial aid package.

Notify colleges you did not select so they may offer admissions to others.

If you took any JCC classes, you must request a transcript be sent from JCC to your college so they can evaluate credits.  This request must be made in writing to JCC.


Congratulations!  You made it!

Related Files

Related Links

ACT Exam

Registration dates and exam dates are located on the home page. Click on calendar. All ACT exams are given at Jamestown Community College

All About College

Links to colleges, financial aid, test prep etc..

Ask the Advisor

The smart student guide to financial aid.

Campus Blues

Learn to control your stress.

FAFSA Registration

This is the only FAFSA website. Beware of other lookalike services available. Filing your FAFSA is a free service. If they ask for money it is not the right website.  The 2025-2026 FAFSA will be available on December 1, 2024
You will need to Create a account (if you don't already have one). 
Stay informed by following Federal Student Aid on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube .

NCAA Clearninghouse

This is where you register if you plan to play division 1 or 2 athletics.

SAT Exam Registration

SAT School day will be offered to Juniors in April of this year.  Exams are offered at outside agencies during the year.  You may register for any of those exams also.  


The Common Application

Use this application to apply to more than one school at a time.