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Technology 1:1 Device Program

We are excited to offer students the opportunity to use a Frewsburg Central School District issued laptop both in class and at home (grades 3-12) to enhance their academic experience. A one to one (1:1) initiative means that there is one device assigned to one student.  This handbook highlights key information about our 1:1 program and the responsibilities of both students and parents/guardians for participation in this program. After reading through the handbook with your student, please submit the signed Student Technology Equipment Use Agreement form (last page of the handbook) to Mrs. Reale in the Technology Office.

One-to-One Computing:

This offers many benefits to our modern day classroom and learners. Our district's expectation is that the students will have their computing laptop with them for use in all their classes and for continued use at home. The laptop will help increase student engagement. Students can access learning materials and engage in real-time inquiry as their questions arise. Adaptive learning software has evolved to a point that students can track their own learning and have confidence in their progress. Laptops also support problem-based learning, allowing students to research, collaborate, and produce a final product to share with peers, teachers and parents.

Please click here for the manual regarding our 1:1 Device initiative as well as a link to the required Student Technology Equipment Use Agreement Form (last page)
